The major stars of "Ace vs. Ace" present different wonderful content-Watch Online Download Online-Chinese mainland 2019 Variety Show-Advanced On-Demand_Free Drama_Watch Online - Sigu Film and Television
Produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV Program Center. There are 12 episodes of the program. The host of the program is Shen Tao, Song Qian serves as a fixed ace agent, and Wang Zulan and Wang Yuan serve as the ace captains of the two teams. Each episode of the show revolves around a theme, inviting two ace teams, each of which is led by the fixed captains of the two teams to lead a number of popular IP guests to PK battles, and at the same time join the role of ace agents, through talent competitions and game competitions, to determine the trump card among the trump cards A app C English E Bahasa Indonesia G H I J K search UniverseLeague N O Deutsch var dfdPrompt=null; var installPromptDiv=document.getElementById('install-prompt'); function shouldShowInstallPrompt(){const oneDay=168*60*60*1000; const lastClosed=localStorage.getItem('installPromptClosed'); if(lastClosed){const; return now-lastClosed>oneDay}return true}function showInstallPrompt(){if(dfdPrompt&&shouldShowInstallPrompt()){'block'}}function closePrompt(){'none'; localStorage.setItem('installPromptClosed',}window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt',function(e){dfdPrompt=e; e.preventDefault(); showInstallPrompt()}); function addToDesktop(){if(dfdPrompt){dfdPrompt.prompt(); dfdPrompt.userChoice.then(function(choiceResult){console.log(choiceResult.outcome); closePrompt(); dfdPrompt=null})}else{console.log('添加到主屏幕的功能不可用。 ')}}window.onload=showInstallPrompt; APP app icon English clear Bahasa Indonesia X Y var maccms={"path":"","mid":"1","aid":"15","url":"","wapurl":"","mob_status":"0"}; 0-9

Laughing Theater