20230217 (Issue 12)
20230204 (Plus)
20221216 (Issue 3)
20230127 (Issue 9)

Go to the Douban page to view "The Sky That Can Draw a Teenager"

20230127 (Issue 9)
20230127 (Issue 9)
Don't disturb if you're not sincere
20230209 (Operating)
20230119 (Active)

Go to the headline page to view "The Sky That Can Draw a Boy"

20230119 (Active)
Yang transcendence
One stop to the end
20221215 (Active)
20221225 (Juvenile Studio)
20230212 (Juvenile Studio)

  Focusing on the new comprehensive of art students "The Sky of Painting Teenagers", 48 beautiful teenagers, after 3 months of painting stage, selected 1 "contemporary new artist". After 12 rounds of art challenges and 12 attempts to get rid of whitewashing, they just wanted their work to stay on stage.

20230212 (Juvenile Studio)
Go to the Douyin page to view "The Sky That Paints a Teenager"
Go to the watermelon video page to view "The Sky That Paints the Youth"
Go to the Weibo page to view "The Sky That Draws a Teenager"

20230112 (Operating)