In the picturesque kingdom of Arenda, surrounded by the sea, there are two lovely and beautiful little princesses, Aisha (voiced by Idina Menzel) and Anna (voiced by Kristen Bale) Elsa was born with the ability to make ice and snow, and as she grew older, her ability became stronger and stronger, and even almost took the life of her sister, for whom the king closed the palace door and broke off the connection between the two daughters. After the sad shipwreck, Aisha finally reached the age of coronation, and the royal palaces came to congratulate her. Aisha trembles, lest someone reveal the secret she has hidden for years. However, when she heard that Anna was going to marry Hans (voiced by Santino Fontana), the prince of the Southern Islands who she met for the first time, she still lost control of her emotions and showed her feet. After this, she fled to the mountains and built her own kingdom of ice and snow, while Arenda was plunged into the terrible cold. Anna arrives alone in the mountains, and with the help of Christopher (voiced by Jonathan Grove), a young man who pulls the ice, she finally arrives at her sister's palace, can she make the country regain its lost greenery?
In the picturesque kingdom of Arenda, surrounded by the sea, there are two lovely and beautiful little princesses, Aisha (voiced by Idina Menzel) and Anna (voiced by Kristen Bale) Elsa was born with the ability to make ice and snow, and as she grew older, her ability became stronger and stronger, and even almost took the life of her sister, for whom the king closed the palace door and broke off the connection between the two daughters. After the sad shipwreck, Aisha finally reached the age of coronation, and the royal palaces came to congratulate her. Aisha trembles, lest someone reveal the secret she has hidden for years. However, when she heard that Anna was going to marry Hans (voiced by Santino Fontana), the prince of the Southern Islands who she met for the first time, she still lost control of her emotions and showed her feet. After this, she fled to the mountains and built her own kingdom of ice and snow, while Arenda was plunged into the terrible cold. Anna arrives alone in the mountains, and with the help of Christopher (voiced by Jonathan Grove), a young man who pulls the ice, she finally arrives at her sister's palace, can she make the country regain its lost greenery?
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