The story of this series continues the first plot and tells the story of Liu Che (played by Huang Xiaoming), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who entered the stage of his implementation of the grand strategy after five years in power. Liu Che, who has sat firmly on the throne of the emperor, touched the scene at this time, and lamented that most of the brothers who were like brothers and sisters are no longer alive, but Li Yong (Du Chun), the only one who is still alive, fell into the hands of the Huns, and Dongfang Shuo is gone. Qiu Chan (played by Liu Yun), who went through many difficulties and dangers to find Li Yong's whereabouts, finally found him when the Huns found him, but found that he had married the Hun princess. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty traveled in micro-clothing and met the singer Li Wa (He Jiayi), who looked like the deceased Chen Ajiao, and couldn't help but feel pity. Soon Li Wa entered the palace and became Liu Che's new favorite. However, Wei Zifu (played by Tranquility), who has become the queen, foresees that Chen Ajiao's experience will be repeated. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Ji Di (played by Yang Hongwu) to visit Dongfang Shuo, and accidentally met the madman master Yan (played by Wang Gang), who had never met a talented man, thinking that he was a genius, so he strongly recommended the master father Yan to enter the palace to assist Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty listened to slander and handed over the military power of Wei Qing (played by Dong Yong) to Huo Qubing (played by Li Li).
The story of this series continues the first plot and tells the story of Liu Che (played by Huang Xiaoming), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who entered the stage of his implementation of the grand strategy after five years in power. Liu Che, who has sat firmly on the throne of the emperor, touched the scene at this time, and lamented that most of the brothers who were like brothers and sisters are no longer alive, but Li Yong (Du Chun), the only one who is still alive, fell into the hands of the Huns, and Dongfang Shuo is gone. Qiu Chan (played by Liu Yun), who went through many difficulties and dangers to find Li Yong's whereabouts, finally found him when the Huns found him, but found that he had married the Hun princess. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty traveled in micro-clothing and met the singer Li Wa (He Jiayi), who looked like the deceased Chen Ajiao, and couldn't help but feel pity. Soon Li Wa entered the palace and became Liu Che's new favorite. However, Wei Zifu (played by Tranquility), who has become the queen, foresees that Chen Ajiao's experience will be repeated. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Ji Di (played by Yang Hongwu) to visit Dongfang Shuo, and accidentally met the madman master Yan (played by Wang Gang), who had never met a talented man, thinking that he was a genius, so he strongly recommended the master father Yan to enter the palace to assist Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty listened to slander and handed over the military power of Wei Qing (played by Dong Yong) to Huo Qubing (played by Li Li).
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