Qiao Yan, who grew up in a border town, became a well-known actor after working hard for many years, and under heavy pressure, she was careful along the way. With an anonymous blackmail message, a dusty past becomes her new shadow. At the same time, the sister who lost contact many years ago suddenly appeared, and the matter seemed to be a coincidence, but there was a bigger crisis behind it. The film is adapted from Zhang Yueran's novel "Big Joe Little Joe".
Director: S· S. Rajamuri
winter solstice
Volunteers: The Battle for Survival
Based on the story of a 50-year-old aunt on a road trip. The naïve and romantic Li Hong has had many dreams in her life, dreaming of college at the age of 18, love at the age of 25, and traveling far away at the age of 45...... But for those things that are "more important to others", she can only wait and wait, and miss again and again. At the age of 50, she is determined not to wait anymore and live a different life!
《我有一个梦》,讲述江南普通百姓在波澜壮阔的时代背景下面对社会动乱变迁而坚持梦想,艰苦打拼的故事。 主人公叶春儿因家庭的变故辍学后从临时工、苦力活、摆小摊开始,用辛勤的劳动和不懈的坚持,养育早逝的父母撇下的弟弟妹妹们。但是,生活总是诸多的磨难,在创业的过程中,她屡遭重创,爱情、婚姻、亲情也因各种原因出现了危机。但是在自己内心深处的那个梦想的感召下,她没有被任何困难击倒,于是在经历丈夫的意外身亡、婆婆对其的恨之入骨、亲自带大的二弟误入歧途、小妹叛逆堕落等一系列的打击下, 叶春儿选择重新站起来继续努力奋斗,几经磨难,几度风雨,叶春儿开拓了自己的事业,成为一个成功的企业家, 最终实现了自己的梦想,从而也获得了幸福的婚姻和朋友的终生友谊。
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