The series of documentaries "Crime Scene Records" involves all kinds of civil or criminal cases that may be encountered in people's lives, and the series truly records the actions of the police to maintain social order and fight crime, not only publicizing and popularizing relevant legal knowledge with vivid cases, but also sounding the alarm bell for the whole society to abide by the law.
The series of documentaries "Crime Scene Records" involves all kinds of civil or criminal cases that may be encountered in people's lives, and the series truly records the actions of the police to maintain social order and fight crime, not only publicizing and popularizing relevant legal knowledge with vivid cases, but also sounding the alarm bell for the whole society to abide by the law.
The series of documentaries "Crime Scene Records" involves all kinds of civil or criminal cases that may be encountered in people's lives, and the series truly records the actions of the police to maintain social order and fight crime, not only publicizing and popularizing relevant legal knowledge with vivid cases, but also sounding the alarm bell for the whole society to abide by the law.
Brief introduction
2021 Plot
Director: Unknown
Starring: Unknown
The series of documentaries "Crime Scene Records" involves all kinds of civil or criminal cases that may be encountered in people's lives, and the series truly records the actions of the police to maintain social order and fight crime, not only publicizing and popularizing relevant legal knowledge with vivid cases, but also sounding the alarm bell for the whole society to abide by the law.
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