"The Summer of Encounter" is a summer travel social reality show, the program takes "young vitality + real socialization" as the direction, and selects a number of amateurs with personality, attitude, opinion and friendship appeal as guests. The amateur guests will live together for 15 days, during which they will experience different forms of daily dating and life interactions. At the same time, celebrity guests settled in the studio to observe and discuss their social status, showing the positive outlook on friends, values and life of contemporary young people.
"The Summer of Encounter" is a summer travel social reality show, the program takes "young vitality + real socialization" as the direction, and selects a number of amateurs with personality, attitude, opinion and friendship appeal as guests. The amateur guests will live together for 15 days, during which they will experience different forms of daily dating and life interactions. At the same time, celebrity guests settled in the studio to observe and discuss their social status, showing the positive outlook on friends, values and life of contemporary young people.
Starring: Ouyang Nana, Zeng Shunxi, Yang Di, Liu Yan, Wang Cong, Jiang Zhenyu, Lin Maofeng, Chen Kexin, Wang Yulin, Wang Xindi, Wu Yichun, Zeng Huaming
Brief introduction
"The Summer of Encounter" is a summer travel social reality show, the program takes "young vitality + real socialization" as the direction, and selects a number of amateurs with personality, attitude, opinion and friendship appeal as guests. The amateur guests will live together for 15 days, during which they will experience different forms of daily dating and life interactions. At the same time, celebrity guests settled in the studio to observe and discuss their social status, showing the positive outlook on friends, values and life of contemporary young people.
Starring: Ouyang Nana, Zeng Shunxi, Yang Di, Liu Yan, Wang Cong, Jiang Zhenyu, Lin Maofeng, Chen Kexin, Wang Yulin, Wang Xindi, Wu Yichun, Zeng Huaming
"The Summer of Encounter" is a summer travel social reality show, the program takes "young vitality + real socialization" as the direction, and selects a number of amateurs with personality, attitude, opinion and friendship appeal as guests. The amateur guests will live together for 15 days, during which they will experience different forms of daily dating and life interactions. At the same time, celebrity guests settled in the studio to observe and discuss their social status, showing the positive outlook on friends, values and life of contemporary young people.
All videos and pictures of Sigu Film and Television are collected from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author, this website only provides web page services, does not provide resource storage, and does not participate in the recording and uploading If the programs included in this site do not inadvertently infringe on your company's copyright, please send an email to siguyy.com#gmail.com(#换成@)